Educational Resources

We do our best every day to continue to learn new things about the cannabis industry and the healing benefits of cannabidiol products. It is our mission to share with consumers what we are learning. Check out our list of resources below and stop by the store to browse our "Free Little Library" of books on CBD and Cannabis. These books are free to borrow and our hope is that customers will bring them back for others to borrow as well.


  • In store “Free Little Library” of books to borrow and return
  • In store educational handouts

What is CBG (Cannabigerol)?
A Type of Cannabinoid Derived From Young Cannabis Plants

Cannabigero (CBG) is a type
of cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. It’s often referred to as the
“mother of all cannabinoids.” This is because other cannabinoids are
derived from cannabigerolic acid (CBGA), an acidic form of CBG. 

By Now you’re probably
familiar with cannabinoids, especially the most common ones, THC and CBD. 

CBG is derived from young
cannabis plants, which contain higher amounts of this cannabinoid than plants
that are fully developed. Both CBD and THC start as CBGA, an acidic form of
CBG. This is why younger cannabis plants contain higher concentrations.


CBG is processed by the body’s endocannabinoid system. In our bodies, CBG imitates endocannabinoids, the natural compounds our body makes. But
it does not have THC’s psychotropic effects, so it will not give you a high. 

Our body contains two types of cannabinoid receptors—CB1
and CB2. CB1 receptors are found in the nervous system and brain, while CB2 receptors
are located in the immune system and other areas of the body. 

CBG works by binding to both receptors, where it’s
thought to strengthen the function of anandamide. Anandamide is one of
many neurotransmitters in the brain. It plays a role in enhancing pleasure and
motivation, regulating appetite and sleep, and alleviating pain.

Benefits of CBG

Research shows that CBG may have therapeutic

Anxiety and Depression

One small-scale study
found that the number one reason people used cannabis preparations high in CBG
was to reduce anxiety, with one in three using it to ease depression

Russo EB, Cuttler C, Cooper ZD, Stueber A,
Whiteley VL, Sexton M. Survey of patients employing
cannabigerol-predominant cannabis preparations: Perceived medical effects,
adverse events, and withdrawal symptoms
Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. 2022;7(5):706-716.

Most of the users reported that they felt that CBG was
more effective for these purposes than conventional medicines.


In the study mentioned above, the second-most common
reason people used CBG was for chronic pain, with 73.9% reporting that it
worked better than traditional medicines. Chronic pain is pain that lasts
three months or more. This type of condition impacts roughly one in five U.S.
adults or around 51.6 million Americans.


Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

According to one review, between 15% and 40% of people
with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) use cannabis and cannabinoids to increase
their appetite as well as to reduce their pain. Although studies have
found promise for its effects on IBD, researchers added that high-quality
evidence is lacking, as is advice as to the proper dose and mode of



Individuals with high
eye pressure, also known as intraocular pressure (IOP), are at a greater risk
of developing glaucoma
. Several
studies have looked at the impact of cannabinoids on IOP. Many have found that
these cannabis derivatives help lower IOP in both humans and animals, making
them a potential glaucoma treatment.


Huntington’s Disease

Huntington’s Disease causes a breakdown of nerve cells in
the brain. Cannabigerol appears to have a positive effect on cell viability
while also protecting certain cells (N2a cells) from the toxic effects of
excitatory neurotransmitters that, when activated too long, lead to cell death.



A 2021 meta-analysis reports that CBG appears to not only
stop breast cancer cells from increasing in numbers but may also kill off
inflammatory cells associated with this cancer type.


Bacterial Infections


A 2020 study on the antibiotic potential of cannabis
found that CBG has antibacterial properties, especially against
methicillin-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus. Staphylococcus aureus is
also known as MRSA, a drug-resistant bacteria that causes staph infections.

What is CBC (Cannabichromene)?
Discovered over 50 years ago, CBC is considered one of the “big six” cannabinoids

By Now you’re probably familiar with cannabinoids, especially the most common ones, THC and CBD. But you likely haven’t heard of cannabichromene, also known as CBC. Discovered over 50 years ago, CBC is considered one of the “big six” cannabinoids prominent in medical research. It doesn’t get as much attention, but CBC’s benefits are extremely promising.

CBC is non-intoxicating, so it doesn’t produce a euphoric high like THC. The reason it is non-intoxicating is because it binds poorly to CB1 cannabinoid receptors in the brain. But CBC does bind with other receptors in the body, such as
the vanilloid receptor 1 (TRPV1) and transient receptor potential ankyrin 1(TRPA1), both of which are linked to pain perception. When CBC activates thesereceptors, increased levels of the body’s natural endocannabinoids like
anandamide are released

The purported benefits of CBC have far-reaching implications. Below are a few medical conditions that may be alleviated by CBC.


CBC may be a powerful cancer fighter, and the reason might be its interaction with the body’s natural endocannabinoid, anandamide. CBC also appears to inhibit the uptake of anandamide, allowing it to remain longer in the bloodstream.

A recent study in which tumor growth was initiated in mice (two-stage mouse skin carcinogenesis model) showed cannabinoids might be effective in inhibiting both inflammation and tumor growth. Since anandamide has been shown to fight breast cancer in vitro and in vivo, this shows promise that CBC and other cannabinoids might one day be a chemopreventive agent.

CBC as a potential cancer fighter was first published in a 2006 study that looked at cannabinoids other than THC and their possible effects on cancer. While THC is known for its anti-tumor properties for several different forms of cancer, its powerful psychotropic qualities can make it difficult for chemotherapy use. So far, research has found CBC to be the second-most-potent cannabinoid at inhibiting the growth of new cancer cells (CBG was the most potent).


CBC has been shown to block pain and inflammation associated with collagen-induced osteoarthritis. Cannabinoids like CBC act on inflammation differently than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) do, and don’t have the side effects of these medications. In another example of the entourage effect, CBC in combination with THC had significant anti-inflammatory response in a recent animal study; together, the two cannabinoids produced a much greater effect on inflammation than by themselves.


In a 2013 mouse study, CBC had a positive effect on neural stem progenitor cells (NSPCs), a cell essential to healthy brain function. NSPCs became more viable when in the presence of CBC, and that shows promise because NSPCs differentiate into astroglial cells, the most important cells for maintaining brain homeostasis. The astroglial cells perform a whole host of functions, including neurotransmitter direction and defending against oxidative stress. Astroglia counteract many of these issues—oxidative stress, inflammation, toxicity—that create neurological diseases and brain pathologies like Alzheimer’s disease.


A research team that had previously shown CBD’s effect on acne studied other cannabinoids, including CBC, for the same effects. Indeed, CBC was shown to be a powerful inhibitor of acne. As a skin disease, acne is characterized by excess sebum production and sebaceous gland inflammation. It turns out that CBC exhibited powerful anti-inflammatory properties and also suppressed excessive lipid production in the sebaceous glands. CBC also reduced levels of arachidonic acid (AA), which is needed to create the lipogenesis. More research is needed, but CBC might just one day become a very powerful anti-acne treatment.


In another amazing display of the entourage effect, CBC appears to work in conjunction with both THC and CBD to deliver a trifecta of antidepressant properties.


The therapeutic promise of CBC is important and requires more research to determine its power by itself as well as with other cannabinoids working together for an
entourage effect. Cannabis patients today are limited in the products available to them, but hopefully as new studies emerge and cannabis laws loosen, new
medicines with a diversity of cannabinoids will soon become an option.


What is CBD (Cannabidiol)?
A non-intoxicating compound produced by the cannabid plant.

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a non-intoxicating compound produced by the cannabis plant that is popularly used for a variety of medical applications including pain, anxiety, and seizures. Although most cannabis varieties contain high levels of the euphoric compound THC, the plant can be bred to produce increased amounts of other compounds like CBD. Although CBD cannabis strains can be smoked in flower form, it is most commonly extracted from the plant and prepared into oils, edibles, and vape products.

What is CBD

CBD (cannabidiol) is one of many compounds in the cannabis plant. Cannabis contains dozens of known cannabinoids, which are compounds like THC and CBD that interact with a particular type of receptor in the body called “cannabinoid receptors.” Unlike THC, CBD is non-intoxicating, meaning it will not make the consumer feel high when consumed. 

Although CBD does not deliver any kind of euphoric high commonly associated with cannabis, many who use CBD report feeling relaxed and less anxious. It can be prepared into long-lasting ingestible forms like drinks and edibles, or it can be vaporized or smoked for more immediate relief. Cannabis oils are extremely popular—these are commonly prepared as liquid extracts that can be dropped under the tongue or into food and beverages.

Benefits of CBD

CBD has been touted for a wide variety of health issues, but the strongest scientific evidence is for its effectiveness in treating some of the cruelest childhood epilepsy syndromes, such as Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS), which typically don’t respond to antiseizure medications. In numerous studies, CBD was able to reduce the number of seizures, and, in some cases, stop them altogether. Epidiolex, which contains CBD, is the first cannabis-derived medicine approved by the FDA for these conditions.

Animal studies, and self-reports or research in humans, suggest CBD may also help with:

Anxiety: Studies and clinical trials are exploring the common report that CBD can reduce anxiety.

Insomnia: Studies suggest that CBD may help with both falling asleep and staying asleep.

Chronic Pain: Further human studies are needed to substantiate claims that CBD helps control pain. One animal study from the European Journal of Pain suggests CBD could help lower pain and inflammation due to arthritis when applied to skin. Other research identifies how CBD may inhibit inflammatory and neuropathic pain, which are difficult to treat.


Addiction: CBD can help lower cravings for tobacco and heroin under certain conditions, according to some research in humans. Animal models of addiction suggest it may also help lessen cravings for alcohol, cannabis, opiates, and stimulants.